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Sprouting for food
SPROUTS are a warehouse of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fatty acids and the largest source of protein in the whole vegetable kingdom."

It is an apt comparison to liken sprouting seeds to a rocket - as sprouting ocurs, the seed begins to multiply and develop its nutrients in order to provide enough
nourishment for a fully mature plant. It is like arming a rocket to send it to the moon - just after it leaves the launch pad, it is all fired up with the fuel necessary
to send it all that way into space. It is at its most powerful. Proteins, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements multiply from 300% to 1200% shortly after

Regularly eating sprouts can have a dramatic effect on your general health and wellbeing. Research has shown that sprouts improve and maintain the immune
system, combat common colds and flu, improve your digestion, and help prevent and fight serious diseases, such as cancer. At Texas Cancer Center, it was
found that cancer cells were substantially inhibited by the eating of sprouted seeds - mainly broccoli.

The benefits of vitamins and minerals are well documented, but not so enzymes, yet enzymes are so vital - in fact the human body has been described as little
more than "a series of enzyme reactions". We rely on enzymes to control every function of our bodies, from talking, walking, breathing, digesting - they promote
good health, boost the immune system, help eliminate toxins and if your enzyme activity is low, you certainly know it - you will very quickly start to feel tired
and unwell. Cooking destroys enzymes, while a diet rich in raw vegetables - particularly young sprouts - will help the body recover from years of abuse.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants and is as close as we will ever get to eating sunshine! Chlorophyll is condensed solar energy, literally the life blood
of plants. Chlorophyll has many properties. It rejuvenates the liver, is an anti-inflammatory, useful for arthritis and skin complaints. It is anti-bacterial, protects
against carcinogens, regulates the menstrual cycle, heals wounds, deodorizes the body and is anti-aging, even to the point of restoring the natural colour of
greying hair. Chlorophyll is present in all plants but the levels in sprouting seeds and also wheatgrass are extremely high.

So sprouts are nutritional superstars, fighting off disease, restoring damage, slowing the aging process and building a strong immune system. They are truly
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