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KCDAREEM.COM does not give medical advice, diagnose
diseases or suggest treatments. We believe your body has the
inner wisdom to naturally achieve optimal health and heal itself
when supported with a diet rich in whole, live, raw foods. If you
have any medical conditions or questions, please ask a health
professional to review the extensive information and scientific
references available before making any radical lifestyle or dietary

Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet
and lifestyles, the author(s) and webmaster are not responsible
for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please
do not apply the techniques of the information on this web site if
you are not willing to assume the risk.

If you do use the information contained on KCDAREEM.COM
without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing
for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s)
and webmaster assume no responsibility.

The information presented through this KCDAREEM.COM  is not
medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it
intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or
condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult
your physician.